The Action for Life's Gratification

A poem on taking action for a Successful Life

Action for Life's Gratification.

Each momentary duty, each daily task,
Is but the future in a mask,
Do it earnestly, for out of it is the life for which you yearn and ask.

Do the small well, 
and the great will swell.
Shun duty, and you fall,
yet embrace work duly and you'll achieve all

What you seek is not in tomorrow...
it is here it out...that it be revealed tomorrow.
Ignorance of this is the cause of many a Man's sorrows,
for he turns his back on today, waiting on the coming of the morrow...

Let this precept be your choral...
Action today for tomorrow gratification is its Moral...

Hello there, thanks for checking out my profile. I'm Ronald Mapamula, I'm a Writer | Marketer| BookWhiz. I write for magazines, and I do radio-shows on Inspiration and book-reviews. I love to read, I love to write, but above all I live to Inspire the World, YOU! at a time...

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