Your Life's Value...

Your Life's Value

My brother...(My Sister)

As populated as the World is,
With the great architectural masterpieces, beauteous melodies and marvelous landmarks,
It is, in control and significance because of a few Men.

You see the roads we use...a man thought of it,
 Halt and behold, the man dressed in designer apparel...a man designed it,
Now Men fly, yet without wings - in was the thought of a man,

These names we hear day after day, 
When will yours be uttered in lands afar?
Will children be taught of You ages after you're dust?
 They have rendered to the World their service,
thus the World renders to them homage and reverence.

The value of your brother...
is not in what you have amassed for yourself, 
but what others (the World) has amassed through you.
Your contribution to others, is your true value!

You protest my Wisdom?
Tell me now brother, 
Were there no other Kings and men that had wealth in times past?
Wherefore has Solomon attained a state greater than them?
Because of his Gold? Nay!, His concubines? Nay I say!
If because of his Gold, where be it that we my gratify our our desires and satisfy our want?
But I tell you, because he poured heavenly Wisdom into the hearts of Men, both in his time and now,
Thus his name is raised upon a pedestal.

You may not be the inventor, the great philosopher or the Messiah,
but search deep within yourself (your very Soul),
that which you will contribute to mankind, 
that having done so, even in another language, Men and Women will bless You,
and thank the Creator for having allotted you time to walk this earth,

My brother...write this on the table of your heart, that,
The Value of your life is not in what you have amassed for yourself,
but what others have amassed/ benefited through You- your contribution to the World. 
Your worth is the improvement you have caused,
for the betterment of the person next to you, e'en those in distant lands.


Hello there, thanks for checking out my profile. I'm Ronald Mapamula, I'm a Writer | Marketer| BookWhiz. I write for magazines, and I do radio-shows on Inspiration and book-reviews. I love to read, I love to write, but above all I live to Inspire the World, YOU! at a time...

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