Making Choices that Count.

The Power of Choices

Life is an unfoldment. Everyone is brought into the world with a particular disposition or end. This is that one thing one believes to be their purpose for existence. Every one's is distinct from the other. While we are never born into the same environment, we all have a good chance of becoming that which is within us to be...but a few achieve it. Why? The great thinker and philosopher -Plato put it this way.
"A Hero is born among a 100,
A wise man among a 1000,
but a accomplished one may not be found amongst a 100 000."

The answer is not farfetched but is so common that it should be apparent to all. It is Choice. You see, the greatest strength given to man is the power to evaluate, deduce and most importantly the power to make Choices. It is a force, one that everyone has and uses in each waking moment. By this power you and I create our World, frame our Being, direct our Potential and determine our Destiny. It is undermined and often unnoticed because it is an everyday phenomenon, forever present that we no longer feel it's presence, ever present yet we cannot see it. The things we see often, become hidden in our subconscious that we rarely notice them consciously. Imagine that by the time you have read this far you have blinked 5-8 times, had you noticed that? Most likely no! Many of us notice certain things no more because we are so accustomed to them that they have lost their weight to us. Of this i shall speak in a different article. However, always be conscious of this power (of Choice) in your life and get to the full knowledge that you are who you are because of how you have used it and you will be what you will be because of it.

Have you ever really thought about it, how do people from the same background end up in different stations in life? You were in the same class with an Accountant, yet you are an Electrical Engineer, Designer, Musician etc, How so? Yet you did the same academic subjects under the same tutors, and even hung around together. The reason is, CHOICE! At a certain point in your life, you made a choice as to what you wanted to achieve, become, be known or remember for. In doing so you altered the flow of your life in comparison with your other acquaintances. So it is with the issues such as personal success and fortune, they fall only, within the confinements of how effective, wise and practical our choices in those areas are! So many of us make far-reaching decisions without even putting thought to it and in meeting an undesirable fate, we wonder and even throw the responsibility at other people, things or circumstances.

Our localities may be the same but we all live in a parallel universe. The law of cause and effect is universally binding, that for every effect, there has to be a cause. Our choices are the cause and all circumstance the effect. They are just but the direct consequence of choice(s) we would have made over time. We took different paths by virtue of your choices, thus our outcomes are different. Make right, conscious, wise, practical, future oriented, and virtuous choices and by this, your path of life will be cleared of mistakes and malice that throw you out of the way of your desired future.

Hello there, thanks for checking out my profile. I'm Ronald Mapamula, I'm a Writer | Marketer| BookWhiz. I write for magazines, and I do radio-shows on Inspiration and book-reviews. I love to read, I love to write, but above all I live to Inspire the World, YOU! at a time...

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7 August 2013 at 21:16 delete

Today, i decide to take charge - I shall make an informed choice that will last a life-time, this decision will be pragmatic, and not done over a short space of time.

24 June 2014 at 21:03 delete

This is powerful.....i love it. Thank you Ronald...!


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