

Thoughts run through my head,

E'en grand schemes to change the world:
Yea, to make my contribution to history.
When I sit I muse, when am walking I'm musing.
Thinking of the days to come, of the life to be lived.
In this state have I maintained a while,
Musing, scheming, planning!
In my heart I see it, it is done,
Yet with mine eyes, I see it not.
It still hangs in the vapour somewhere.
My dreams give me no contentment, only a sense of belonging.
T'is from their realisation that I will get it.
Realisation? How can I realise them?
For I have toiled, prayed and put forth effort.
Yet, sitting here under the cool shade of this tree,
I still cannot account for the toil and effort. No favourable end achieved.
But I lean back, to seriously consider my misery, wherein I am bound.
Thought have I? Yea
Schemed have I? Yea
Worked have I? Yea
In the wondering of my heart,
As of a sheep lost in the woods,
I notice my undoing.
It is not grand so as to be loud or expressly visible, but has pulled me back.
In all my undertaking, in all mine activity:
I did not put my seal.
I thought, then acted rashly, but never committed to it.
Thought I had dreams, yet had only longings.
Thought I had plans, only schemes.
I put not myself to it, to sign a pact with myself,
To hold myself accountable for that which I had sat down and agreed with myself.
I had not committed, I had not regarded myself as worthy of my own deeds.
For what man will accomplish anything if he not put his heart into anything,
If he will not put his will to have and see it done?
Therefore my acts were void of vigor,
My schemes without cause,
and my thoughts without depth.
I know I'm not alone, thus I write.
I will commit to my dreams, to myself- I will be accountable.
Even you dear reader, will soar and succeed,
and be at peace with yourself...
If you but do the same.

Hello there, thanks for checking out my profile. I'm Ronald Mapamula, I'm a Writer | Marketer| BookWhiz. I write for magazines, and I do radio-shows on Inspiration and book-reviews. I love to read, I love to write, but above all I live to Inspire the World, YOU! at a time...

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15 August 2013 at 12:07 delete

Enlightening piece!


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