Action: The Key to Success
Change is what most people could die for, get a better job, increase your income, improve your relationship, you name it. If you make a survey of the dreams people have, you'd be shocked, to realise that the world is full of geniuses, you included! Yet only a few emerge. Why? Action! Action is what takes you from who you are to who you want to be.
You could have a brilliant concept, yet without any step, you'll remain there. The most beautiful philosophy won't work if you won't. There are a great many astoundingly creative and thoughtful ideas out there, but with all this promise, you'd be appalled to note how many make it to the day. Creativity rests on initiative, and success on activity. Even Solomon cited, "in all labour there is profit, but mere talk tendeth only to penury."
Many a time it is because of procrastination ''mmm there's still time, i'll do i do it tomorrow''. But to tell you the honest truth, Act now its later than you think. Without action we would have no automobiles, planes, or even internet, these were just concepts in peoples' minds, which they entertained and gave a try. You might be here now, but where you want to go you really know. Who you are----Action----Who you want to be. Don't let you dreams die, expose your potential and propell yourself to all you can be. To get there you need to step in that direction. Speed won't matter, what's key is to gather momentum, in time your required components will fall in place. Don't let life pass you by Act Now! Its later than you think.
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Change is what most people could die for, get a better job, increase your income, improve your relationship, you name it. If you make a survey of the dreams people have, you'd be shocked, to realise that the world is full of geniuses, you included! Yet only a few emerge. Why? Action! Action is what takes you from who you are to who you want to be.
You could have a brilliant concept, yet without any step, you'll remain there. The most beautiful philosophy won't work if you won't. There are a great many astoundingly creative and thoughtful ideas out there, but with all this promise, you'd be appalled to note how many make it to the day. Creativity rests on initiative, and success on activity. Even Solomon cited, "in all labour there is profit, but mere talk tendeth only to penury."
Many a time it is because of procrastination ''mmm there's still time, i'll do i do it tomorrow''. But to tell you the honest truth, Act now its later than you think. Without action we would have no automobiles, planes, or even internet, these were just concepts in peoples' minds, which they entertained and gave a try. You might be here now, but where you want to go you really know. Who you are----Action----Who you want to be. Don't let you dreams die, expose your potential and propell yourself to all you can be. To get there you need to step in that direction. Speed won't matter, what's key is to gather momentum, in time your required components will fall in place. Don't let life pass you by Act Now! Its later than you think.
commentsI greatly resonate with this piece, I am wholly guilty about not pursuing my dreams. The time to act is now, not tomorrow, cause tomorrow is too late!!!
ReplyBravo Ronald, this one takes the cup
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